Results 2021
Category Stories
1st place: Gali Tibbon, Israel
As reports of the pandemic coming from Asia and Europe the local authorities together with
the three main Christian denominations (Greek Orthodox, Catholic and Armenian) sharing
custody of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre closed its heavy wooden doors on 25 March
2020 for two month, a historical event in Christianity’s holiest site .
In order to maintain the 1852 Ottoman Status Quo agreement between the various Christian
denominations inside Christianity’s holiest site, all the Easter liturgies and ceremonies were
held in the same ritualistic way exactly like in past centuries, only in 2020 it was in an empty
church due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and lockdown.
For the first time in centuries the ceremonies were held without any worshippers, only a
limited number of clergy were allowed in the empty big shrine.

How to participate
Entering the competition is free of charge. Entries must be received between 2nd of May and 8th of July 2021.